Speed Test


Compare the speed of your current provider with our offering

Our speed test, powered by Ookla, provides an independent and advanced diagnosis of the performance of your broadband connection so you can compare your current speed with our offering.

How do we measure your

Internet speed?

Internet speed is measured by analyzing various factors. 

Download speed refers to the speed at which data is downloaded from the internet to your device. 

Upload speed refers to the speed at which data is uploaded from your device to the internet. 

Jitter refers to the variation in delay when receiving data packets.

Ping measures the response time, i.e., the time it takes for a signal to be sent and received between your device and the server.

Curious about our highest

Internet speed?

Fiber Network

0 Gbps


0 - 150 Mbps

4G Network

0 Mbps

5G Network

0 Gbps
Your internet, your choice!

Net neutrality at EasyVoice Telecom

Our Commitment to Open and Fair Access

At EasyVoice Telecom, we embrace net neutrality as a core principle of our services. What does this mean for you as our valued customer? It means that we don't differentiate between what websites you can visit, what apps you can use, or what content you can share online. We strive for open and fair access to the internet for everyone, without your online experience being affected by our services.

No limitations, no obligations; only your choice;

For us, net neutrality is not up for debate; it's an obligation. We remain committed to fair and open access to the internet, where your choice and freedom are central.

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